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American First Day Cover Society

Devoted to the advancement of first day cover collecting

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The American First Day Cover Society (AFDCS) is a volunteer non-profit and non-commerical organization serving the needs of First Day Cover collectors, cachetmakers, and dealers. Founded in 1955, the society has a membership of over 1,100 active first day cover collectors, including many who design and manufacture their own cacheted FDCs.

The AFDCS holds a national annual convention, Americover, maintains a historical archive, and publishes a journal, First Days, full of news and education every two months (six issues a year). There are many benefits to membership, including our Member Mentor Program, Tax Deductions, Fund Raising Auction and discounts on our many informative Handbooks. This is all available to you for the very modest membership dues of $35 per year ($100 per year for non-US residents; $24 per year for anyone worldwide for an online only membership), $20 for age 17 and under (U.S. addresses). Come join us.

Central office

Membership Services

Debra Gibson
Executive Secretary
PO Box 57
Somerset, WI 54025-0057

Phone: (540) 940-1629


First Days

Anthony Bard
Editor, First Days 

Phone: (864) 322-6847

AFDCS Online

Cynthia Scott and Lloyd de Vries

AFDCS Executive Committee

Lloyd de Vries
Ralph Nafziger
Executive Vice President
Walter Douglas George
First Vice President
Mark Gereb
Recording Secretary
Mark Thompson
Chris L. Lazaroff
Past President
Tris Fall
General Counsel
Michael Lake
Education Department
Foster E. Miller, III
Sales Department

Anthony Bard

Editor, First Days

Debra Gibson
Executive Secretary

AFDCS Board of Directors

Cynthia Scott, Board Chair (2024) Anthony Bard (Editor)
Lorraine Bailey (2024) Patrick Morgan (2026)
Lloyd de Vries (2025) Michael Moticha (2025)
Tris Fall (General Counsel) Ralph Nafziger (2024)
Jeffrey Hayward (2026) Jim Tatum Jr. (2025)
Michael Lake (2024) Mick Zais (2025)
Foster Miller (2026)

(date indicates director's term end)

American First Day Cover Society
P.O. Box 57
Somerset, WI 54025-0057

+1 (540) 940-1629


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