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American First Day Cover Society

Devoted to the advancement of first day cover collecting

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First Days Advertising Rates

Per Insertion, Color or Black & White

Advertising in First Days is easy and effective

Size Dimensions (inches) Once 3 consecutive* 6 consecutive*
Full Page 5 x 8 $148 $135 ($120) $120 ($105)
1/2 horiz. 5 x 3-15/16 90 81 (72) 72 (63)
1/2 vert. 2-3/8 x 8 90 81 (72) 72 (63)
1/4 horiz. 5 x 1-7/8 55 49.50 (44) 44 (38.50)
1/4 vert. 2-3/8 x 3-15/16 55 49.50 (44) 44 (38.50)
1/8 horiz. 2-3/8 x 1-7/8 35 31.50 (28) 28 (24.50)
1/16 horiz. 2-3/8 x 15/16 20 18 (16) 16 (14)

* Prices in parentheses are base prices discounted 10% for payment with order or for the entire contract.

AFDCS membership is required to advertise. Rates are for camera-ready ads. Submitted ads are subject to approval of the AFDCS and the editor, who reserve the right to reject or decline advertising or suspend advertising privileges for any reason for such periods of time as in their discretion they see fit.

First Days does not guarantee advertisements, but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material. Purchasers should request authentication of valuable material.

Payment requirements: One-time advertisers must prepay. No discounts are allowed. For contract clients only, a 10% discount is allowed if the ad is prepaid or payment is sent with copy. Checks, money orders and credits cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), paid to the order of the American First Day Cover Society, are accepted. Payment is due on the publication date. Accounts more than 30 days in arrears will be charged at a rate of ½ percent per month or fraction thereof. Foreign advertisers must prepay the entire contract in U.S. funds.

First Days Advertising Manager
Mark Thompson

1709 Russell Street
Nashville, TN 37206
(615) 945-6450

American First Day Cover Society
P.O. Box 57
Somerset, WI 54025-0057

+1 (540) 940-1629


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