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American First Day Cover Society

Devoted to the advancement of first day cover collecting

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Join the afdcs today!

Membership in the American First Day Cover Society is just $35 annually ($100 for non-US residents)
or just $24 annually worldwide for online delivery of
First Days. Explore one of the options below to get started.

Your membership has many benefits including our award winning publication, First Days , published and delivered to your door (or downloaded from our site) six times a year. Each issue contains research, checklists, columns, do-it-yourself advice and plenty of FDC information. You will find this your invaluable guide not only to what is going on in the American First Day Cover Society, but to the whole wonderful hobby of First Day Cover Collecting.

Membership in the American First Day Cover Society makes you a better first day cover collector. You'll know more about your covers, the history of our branch of philately, and what's happening today in first day covers. You'll see display ads in color from most of the leading dealers in FDCs. And you'll have access to services available only to AFDCS members:

  • Access to our website Members Area, where you can download past issues of First Days (since 2011) and register your collecting interests so other members can contact you
  • Two free non-commercial Cover Exchange ads a year
  • Discounts on handbooks concentrating on specific areas
  • AFDCS Court of Honor Christmas FDCs
  • A translation service: Wondering what that marking on your FDC means?
  • Slide programs: Give FDC talks at your local club meetings
Regular and Frequent Features of the AFDCS journal, First Days:
  • The Question Box: Answering questions and expanding your knowledge of first day covers for sixty-five years
  • Cachetmakers Spotlight: Features the work of new cachetmakers
  • Chapter News: News of our chapter activities - there may be a chapter near you
  • First Cachets Update: Establishing the start of many cachet lines
  • Book Reviews
  • Single-Issue Cachet Catalogs
Plus you'll be supporting the hobby, as the AFDCS represents first day covers to the rest of philately, postal services, and others.

Ready to Join? Select from one of these membership options to get started:

American First Day Cover Society
P.O. Box 57
Somerset, WI 54025-0057

+1 (540) 940-1629


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