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American First Day Cover Society

Devoted to the advancement of first day cover collecting

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First Day Cover Exhibiting

Exhibit to Educate

Exhibits at stamp shows are displayed in two-sided frames holding 16 letter size pages (four rows of four) on each side.

World Series of Philately shows usually have hundreds of these frames. Exhibitors are also allowed to use 11 inch by 17 inch paper, the size of two letter pages side by side.

Why Exhibit?

"The purpose of the Society," as stated in our AFDCS Bylaws (in part) "is:

  • To promote and foster an interest in the study of United States and foreign First Day Covers;
  • To promote the interest of the general public in philately and postal research;"

What Motivates Exhibitors?

If you ask exhibitors why they keep on perfecting their exhibits year after year, their answers will vary but a common thread is passion for their chosen themes. It's a labor of love, a way to feel truly involved in the hobby.

Exhibit to Educate

FDC exhibits add information to a "University of Philately." Exhibitors are specialty experts on their favorite stamps, cachets, artists, cover producers, and postal history. While sharing what they know and listening to feedback from fellow collectors, exhibitors continue to learn more about their material.

Public Education FDC, Oct. 1985


Exhibit to Share

Take those FDCs out of boxes and albums. Share your enthusiasm for the hobby by showing your stuff! Make connections with others who like the same subjects on stamps and covers. As you share what you know, invite viewers to add to your knowledge.

Exhibit to Inspire

Did you know some collectors join the Society after viewing their first philatelic exhibit? Our scholarly and entertaining displays inspire others to begin sharing their own favorite subjects in this way. Consider your exhibit a recruiting poster!

Exhibits Are Competitive

Exhibitors receive feedback from fellow exhibitors, from friendly show visitors and from trained judges. See our other two pages about the awards your exhibit can win, both from the AFDCS and other philatelic societies.

American First Day Cover Society
P.O. Box 57
Somerset, WI 54025-0057

+1 (540) 940-1629


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