The American First Day Cover Society has been designated a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization by the Internal Revenue Service. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent the law allows.

Why should you support the American First Day Cover Society?
Like most non-profits, our dues do not cover all our expenses. Rather than raise dues and lose members, we're asking those who are able to help support the AFDCS. If you’ve donated in the past, I hope you'll not only consider donating again, but increasing the amount. For example, if you previously donated $25, please consider raising your donation to $50.
We have a number of donation programs, as indicated below. You can also donate by upgrading your membership to Gold and Silver levels.
You may make your tax-deductible donation below via PayPal or credit card. Alternatively, mail a check to AFDCS, PO Box 57, Somerset, WI 54025-0057. All contributions will be acknowledged in First Days.
Thank you for being one of many donors supporting the future of the AFDCS. Your gift is a truly invaluable investment in the hobby and the Society.
Yours truly,
Lloyd A. de Vries
AFDCS President